You guys, all of the herbs died and I was a little bit sad about it. Turns out neon can’t keep you alive. Let that be a lesson to us all. Just because you make it pretty on the outside doesn’t mean it will sustain itself. I’m going to choose to remember them in all their glory. For now the pots are hiding in the empty room we don’t know what to do with, and I’ll revisit their purpose later. But speaking of that room…
Check out the corner in the big empty room that houses all of the random knick-knacks we don’t know what to do with. Oops… we’ll call it a “breakfast nook,” for now. I ate a bowl of cereal there once, but those chairs really aren’t that sturdy and I feared for my Raisin Bran’s safety.
Anyway, take a look at the plant. Looks nice eh? Whelp, up close its having some issues internet, the leaves started looking a little funky a couple of weeks ago so I moved it into this room with the most direct sunlight and I seem to have made it worse. Let’s zoom shall we?
Nooooo, what’s happening here? Is it A) too much water B) not enough water C) too much sunlight D) not enough sunlight or E) user error. What’s that you say? You need more info?
Well let’s see, I came back from Iowa and gurl was looking suspicious, but I was only gone for five days and I gave her plenty to drink right before I left. So I figured maybe she missed me and was only depressed. Just in case I went to the ‘Depot and got some of those Miracle Grow sticks and gave her a couple shots of vitamins. And it’s just gotten worse from there. What’s that? You need a closer look? Gotcha, cue dead leaves photo shoot.
So plant people with green thumbs, whats up? Please help, Patrice will be lonely if she’s the only one to survive…